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4 Different Ways to Cook Ribs

in Blog, Food
December 22, 2022
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For many home cooks, the barbecue is synonymous with ribs! Yet many versions of the “ideal” barbecue ribs exist– especially now that we have unlimited access to food shows, cooking blogs, online recipes and many other sources of inspiration. To summarize them, here are our thoughts:

Marinate before grilling

A technique as old as cooking itself: dressing a cut of meat in bold flavours is a surefire way to infuse taste and tenderness– and the longer it sits on the marinades, the better it tastes. There are as many marinades as your imagination will allow, spanning all cultures and tastes. Certain ingredients can help synthesize the tougher proteins and fats of ribs into a fall-off-the-bone experience.

Boil or roast, then grill or fry.

Start slow, finish fast– this is a mantra applied to many ways of preparing meat. Whether it be boiling, roasting or anything else, cooking ribs slowly over time will guarantee a fork- or tooth-tender experience. If you bring the ribs to just shy of tenderness, you can finish them on open flame or even deep fry them to perfection. Brush the finished product with its own cooked juices or your favorite sauce.

Apply a dry rub, then grill or smoke.

Many barbecue experts southern USA swear by two concepts: an application of dry seasoning, followed by a day spent cooking over indirect heat. While this process provides an undeniable taste and texture, many Albertans enjoy the results of ribs with a dry rub over open flame. No matter how you cook it, all of the control comes when you choose or create your seasoning. Typical dry rubs feature salt, spice, sweetness with bold amounts of powdered flavours such as garlic and onion.

Braise in the oven.

Steeping ribs in boldly-flavoured, complementary liquids, then cooking it a long time over a low heat– usually known as braising or stewing, this preparation spans all types of cuisines and cultures. Not only are you left with extremely tender ribs, but the cooking liquid can and is often reduced to an accompanying sauce or glaze. Pressure cookers, dutch ovens and slow-cookers can also offer stove top alternatives for braising ribs.